Online Business Owner, Christian, Wife & Mama, Teaching Go-Getters How To Be Independent Business Owners!
Online Business Owner, Christian, Wife & Mama, Teaching Go-Getters How To Be Independent Business Owners!
I was a public school educational assistant. Now I'm a stay at home, wife and entrepreneur!
My dreams are to retire my husband early so we can spend as much time as a family as possible! We'll live on a small hobby farm and be homeschooling our kiddos. This business will help us get there!
Feel fulfilled in owning a biz that transforms lives - by contributing to long-term health and freedom.
Utilize social media marketing to create 24/7 cashflow - by using the power of automatic ads, so you never have to pester family & friends, be salesy, or send a cold message ever again.
Inherit an automated (automatic) selling system that generates passive income for you – giving you actual time freedom to live the life you always dreamed of living.
Contribute to reducing the world's carbon footprint – helping both the planet & others so you can truly make an impact in your work.